Need to be directed

Need to be directed

I found a vacant property that is in poor condition. And the property is used for seasonal only. I'm trying to do a property search for the owners, but getting stuck.
Wanted to know if there is a link were this info was already posted, or any sites I could check.



In order to Succeed your desire for Success should be greater than your Fear of Failure. Bill Cosby.
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property search

go to your city/county website to the tax assesors dept and look up address


Mike Free tools

Finding A Tax Assessor Website


You should be able to do a search (, etc.) on your city, state tax assessor to find the website for your city or county website Mike mentioned. For example in the search box type: Ocean City, NJ tax assessor.

Thank You,


Finding the owners

Thanks. I will check it out.


In order to Succeed your desire for Success should be greater than your Fear of Failure. Bill Cosby.
Some people dream of Success.... While others wake up and work hard at it
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Another idea

Once you find their information in the courthouse, you can do a google search to find them. There are a lot of people using social netowrking websites, so finding people is even easier than it use to be. Also there is a website that offers alot of this informaiton too called

If that still does not pull up results you can send a letter to the address of the property with the last known owners name on it and have a request for notification of address change tied to it. If you do this, in most cases, you will recieve the last known mailing address for the owner returned in the mail to you. If the forwarding address is still in effect they will forward your letter onto them too.

Last resort would be to contact a skip tracer to do some PI work for you and find these people for a fee. I hope this helps some.


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