Have writer’s block? Use these simple and easy steps each and every time you want and need to create an effective headline. This brainstorming technique will help get your ideas flowing.
1. Decide who you are writing to. The more specific you are, the more you can “speak” to them. You can’t be all things to all people. The more specific you are the more successful you’ll be.
2. Decide what benefits will be most important to prospective buyers of your product or service. How do you do this? Ask those who have seen your offer why they did not buy! Use this intelligence in crafting your headline.
3. Since your ad or brochure or web page will be read by individual people, try to imagine just one person reading your message. Continue writing your headline with this one person in mind. Write as if you are speaking directly to them alone.
4. On a blank page, begin to write phrases with one benefit, and one or two power words from this list… Fast, Free, Easy, Proven, Guaranteed, Discover, How to, Save, Increase, You, Your, Secret, More 65% (any percent)
5. Brainstorm at least 15 headlines like this. Then convert your most powerful ones into a format.
Brainstorming Effective Headlines
Posted on: Wed, 07/29/2009 - 00:34
Brainstorming Effective Headlines
- by scarlson
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Thank you for sharing the informative information on brainstorming headlines. Sometimes a great headlien can make all the differnece in the world when trying to attract buyers/ sellers. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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