Time is precious. Very few people will spend much time on your message if they do not see immediately that it has a direct benefit to them. If you make the mistake of writing about your own self-interest, rather than what will benefit them, you’ll only guarantee that your copy will be ineffective at best and a disaster at worst.
To keep your prospects at a peak level of interest, your copy must be written from their point of view. Specifically, you must always prove to the reader what’s in it for them. What do they gain by purchasing your product or service? What critical problems can you solve for them. How can you make their life easier? How can you make their life better? How can they make more money? How can their income go farther or reduce their expenses?
There are the underlying wants and needs that all people long to have fulfilled. It’s all about an EMOTIONAL connection, not a logical one. These are the real reasons why most people will answer your ad, respond to your sales letter, or buy from your web site.
Thanks for posting. We must get straight to the point, and explain short and sweet what we do. We have to attract our targets eyes.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen