I now i've read several times about needing a good agent, but my question is what keeps them from undercutting you OR going behind your back to get these deals? I feel like this has happened to me!! Thanks.


Please explain

I have a thought but would like to know your situation


In most cases, an agent that is an investor will not need you or me to get to a good deal, they will find it before us. What you do have to look out for is the selling agent doing a deal with a buyer and not giving an offer that you put in to the seller from your agent. That has happend to us on REOs.

If you feel your agent did you wrong go on to the next one.

Steve and Veronica


I found this home 3BR /1BA brick home ( REO ) that was listed WITH A AGENT . When i called about this home several weeks ago the agent acted like he didn't want to talk about it . Well this morning i drove by the homes maybe looking for more info (contacts) and seen someone was already rehabing it. I then called back and talk to the realtor and he acted like it was someone he knew baught the house. This agent does about 40% of the foreclosure in my area and if thats the case it's going to be hard to buy these homes. THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY. STEVE


Total view does not work in my area so that i can find these deals in pre-forclosure BEFORE they get in the hands of these realtors .Any suggestions  !!


Sorry I was writing my responce at the same time you were writing yours to Elix.

I have called agents also and they have told me they have a good offer and will not take my offer so the don't waist my time on that deal.

Have you talked to the agent that does 40% of the deals and asked him to be put on his list of people to call.

Steve and Veronica.

His thought

SteveADK wrote:
I found this home 3BR /1BA brick home ( REO ) that was listed WITH A AGENT . When i called about this home several weeks ago the agent acted like he didn't want to talk about it . Well this morning i drove by the homes maybe looking for more info (contacts) and seen someone was already rehabing it. I then called back and talk to the realtor and he acted like it was someone he knew baught the house. This agent does about 40% of the foreclosure in my area and if thats the case it's going to be hard to buy these homes. THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY. STEVE

was since you had no money you were going to waste his time

Someone already rehabbing it tells me he already has investors he deals with and doesn't need a middle man to find them for him, which isn't a bad thing, but maybe you came off as a newbie and he just didn't want to bother.

There are other deals in the ocean


Me not having no money right now has alot to do with everything ! I was just trying to start somewhere, sitting here and reading and taking no action is about to KILL ME! I NEED CASH BUYERS . THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY .


SteveADK wrote:
Me not having no money right now has alot to do with everything ! I was just trying to start somewhere, sitting here and reading and taking no action is about to KILL ME! I NEED CASH BUYERS . THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY .

is your best option

you control the deal, you have the ear of the seller, and one of your selling points(I cannot believe i'm saying this) is that you can undercut the commission due an agent by charging the buyer less and getting them closer to what they want

its out there, just take your time

RE: Cash

SteveADK wrote:
Me not having no money right now has alot to do with everything ! I was just trying to start somewhere, sitting here and reading and taking no action is about to KILL ME! I NEED CASH BUYERS . THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY .

Definitely don't give up. I'm a real estate agent. Working on REO properties is tough. The banks drive the bus and don't play by the rules. They won't sign a contract until the very last minute, even then, they can find ways out of deals. Cash is king, so try to find someone with it and split the profit 50-50 until you build your own fund. Best to you!