When it comes to excuses, the world is full of great inventors. Some spend half their lives telling what they are going to do,and the other half explaining why they didn't do it. You can fail many times, but you're not a failure until you begin to blame someone else. Our own mistakes fail to help us when we blame them on other people. When you use excuses, you give up your power to change John Madson
Never mind whom you praise, but be very careful whom you blame, said Edmund Gosse. You can fall down many times, but you won't be a failure until you say that someone else pushed you.
So find a way, not an excuse. One who makes a mistake and then makes an excuse for it, is making two mistakes. Note this truth The fox condemns the trap, not himself said William Blake Don't find yourself talking like that old fox.
Never complain and never explain.Admitting error clears the score and proves you wiser than before. said Arthur Guiterman. Doing a job right is always easier than fabricating an alibi for why you didn't. Time wasted thinking up excuses and alibis would always be better spent planning, preparing and working towards your goals in life. A real failure does not need an excuse. It is an end in itself. Gertrude Stein
Posted on: Thu, 12/15/2011 - 16:31
- by scarlson
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to spur us on; thanks for sharing.
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ABSOLUTELY true. I spent two years blaming the economy and other things as my reason for not getting into real estate and now I regret it, because now I know it was the best time to buy. I know there is going to be even better opportunity to buy when the economic collapse and the switch to a new monetary system comes. I don't know about from now until that happens. It seems like deals are hard to come by in my town because people are still suffering from the delusion of 2008.
I know that no one else is going to do this for me, I HAVE to take control of myself, I don't want to give that control to someone or something else.
Thanks for a great read Scarlson.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee