Help with Mobile Home Deal

Help with Mobile Home Deal

I looked at a mobile home yesterday. The owner is getting evicted from the park. She said it was for problems her boyfriend and his friends caused.

Here's what I think I know....

She's being evicted by Sept. 5

Trailer is a mess outside and inside.

Was a two bedroom but boyfriend tried to make a bar out of the second bedroom.

I don't have any experience with mobile homes but it appears to need to be gutted for the most part.

Lot rent is 235/month which includes water. Heat and elect run 130/month

She is asking $1,700 but I think I could get it for $500 or maybe less. I don't think she has any other options.

I think I will pass on this deal but I wanted to run it by you folks.

Maybe I could offer her $200 and try to wholesale it to someone??

Anyone experienced with a mobile home rehab?

Would appreciate your thoughts?



Brian i'm your man on Mobile Homes

I have 3 Mobile homes i'm rehabbing right now. The secret to the success is you have to get into them very cheap and sell them to a retail buyer. There aren't many investors that will buy them on wholesale. they are out there, so if you find them keep their info.

They are great investments for cashflow. I buy them have about 3-4K into them after purchase and rehab. I sell them on a contract to retail buyers for between 14-25K. My best deal I just sold in June I sold it for 26K. The seller put down 5K and cashed me out completely. I then set up a seller financing deal with them at 13% interest. They will pay me an additional 10-12K in interest over the next 8 years. I will make about 30K on a mobile home. I love them, what is my ROI after i'm done? infinite, because I don't have any money into the deal!!!

What you need to do is go to the community management and tell them your an investor looking to increase the property value of their community by fixing up a property. Ask them for at least a 2 month time of free lot rent so you can fix the home up. They will usually give you this. Also i would start advertizing for retail buyers. Find out what kind of response you get.

With those kind of returns and investing very little, they are very sound.

keep moving forward!!!



I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

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In my county there are only

In my county there are only a couple individuals that do this. Usually what ends up happening is, like you said, they don't have any other options. So they get evicted. Now the trailer court needs to deal with the property and they just want lot rent and these trashed up trailers are typically seen as an expense to the dump. The individuals that do these flips around here typically get the trailer for free and a month or two free lot rent to fix the place up and sell them.


"A man who has never lost himself in a cause bigger than himself has missed one of life's mountaintop experiences." Richard Nixon

Need to Pass Due to Lack of Cash

Thanks for your responses but unfortunately, I will have to pass on this deal. I just have too many deals going right now and not enough cash to purchase and repair all of them. I am closing on a house tomorrow and have three other signed purchase agreements. Two of these are no money down deals but one will take the rest of my available cash (actually have to use a credit card on one).

Just not enough $$$ right now.

I will be sending this deal to an investor I know.

Thanks again...Brian

Boy that is a good problem


Your right, that is a good problem to have. i love the response, I just have to many deals going right now. I remember a couple months ago we weren't there. I'm so proud of you and what you have accomplished. It is only upwards from here. You will see things coming out of the woodwork coming your way. Great job, and keep posting. You are helping so many people that you don't even know

Work smarter not harder!!!


I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at: