I need a good bank in Scottsdale/Phoenix!!! Help!!

I need a good bank in Scottsdale/Phoenix!!! Help!!

Hey guys,

The past few days I have been calling bank after bank after bank here in the Phoenix area. I know there has to be a bank out there that will do no seasoning commercial refinance loans that are based upon the appraised price of the house, not the purchase price! Does anyone out there know of one? I will keep calling until I find one, but please save me some time and shoot me any information you might have!

Thank you!!!




Hi Brant,

Honestly what you are doing it the best way to go at it. I would suggest asking your buyers for referrals to their bankers, contacting mortgage brokers asking them if they know of any nationwide lenders that will do no season refi's. Here is one site that might help. Also look for nationwide banks not just local banks that will do what you need.

go to this link for non-season refis:

wholesale lenders: http://www.scotsmanguide.com/default.asp?ID=37

Lastly try doing a google search for "no season refinance" "no seasoning refi" this could bring up some lenders.

Good luck,