115.8% Profit On First Deal

115.8% Profit On First Deal

Soooo Im liking my track record so far - My partner Keith (keb64) & I closed this deal today!!!---Woman was driving through the park and saw the manufactured house. Called me, came right over as Keith & I were here working She wrote out a check for $7000, will give me another $7000 on 7/24 and I will carry $10500 @ 8% over 2 years.

Here's the paperwork we had her do: purchase & sales agreement dated for 2 years out, rental agreement for $475.00 a month, plus $470 in park rent, plus any park rent increases, taxes, insurance & utilities.

I must be a rider on her insurance policy. I will keep the taxes in my name and will mail to her until she is paid off. No prepayment penalty.

A win-win for all...

The buyer is currently paying over $900 a moth in rent for a 1 bedroom apartment with utilities of almost $200.00, and they are about to raise her rent again.

She will be paying close to that here until she pays me off. Once she does that she will be paying less than $700 a month including everything and she owns, gains equity and has a place to call home. She and her husband are in their 60's and this is the first home they will have ever owned.

I will have all my money back & 25% profit within 14 days, will cash flow $475 a month for the next 2 years and garner a total profit of 115.8%.

Keith (keb64), gets to see his partner experience the same kind of profit in deals as he has already mastered.

Win-Win for all!!

Now........Its your turn


After Affects

I got home from closing this deal last night and as I was sharing how it all went down, and starting to relax I was coming off the high of excitement and exhilaration and all of a sudden I found myself in what really matters in all this real estate investing journey...

I had been saying it while talking to the person who had bought the house from me that I was so excited for them But....

When I was alone and my feet back on the ground, thinking through my accomplishment is when it really mattered that I had this reflection:

My eyes welled up when my reality set in that the best part of real estate investing is...The people who bought this home are in their 60's and this will be their first home, they have ever been able to buy.

That is what really matters about this whole deal!!

Sooo...if you have anything blocking you from getting out there and taking action in your real estate investing think about this reality for yourself...

I would encourage you to consider we have the opportunity and when we can be a part of someone elses life to help them in a way such as giving them a home, they have never had the opportunity to have, we live a very good life!

Warm Hugs,



Hi Roberta great deal and the out come is truely a winner for all involved and truely fills a great need, someone will have a home to call there own in two years or less, so wonderful, Jim

