How do YOU CREATE a deal ??

How do YOU CREATE a deal ??

Hey Dg family !!!! I KNOW many of you have the CREATIVE tools inside of you only WAITING to come out !! And MANY of you have already developed and used these talents to create deals. Now we have learned how to do a deal or two when everything falls into place but let's share our experience, questions, do's and dont'$ and best practices of CREATING a deal. If you have created a deal where NONE EXISTED, , lets hear EXACTLY what you did, said , LISTENED and thought when you made this happen !!! I think this will be an EXCITING and interesting learning experience !!!! Give us as many details to learn from Smiling))


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how to create a deal

ok i will start and describe how i created a deal when none existed!!
when i first started the success academy i went through the lessons and decided i had to take action with what i was learning.The very first action i took was contacting a real estate agent in my area and making a few offfers.Believe me i was just learning to get OUT of my comfort zone.Finally i had a deal accepted and a purchase offer accepted.Immediately i began my efforts to market this property on craigslist and other bulletin boards in my community.When the calls started coming in for my property i decided that i would use my line of credit to buy this because i was marketing this as a rent to own property.I was asking 5k down and mnthly pymnts.
After many calls which was a buyers list builder.....I FINALLY had a i thought!!! they said they did not have the full down payment buy WANTED this property !!!! I thought this was a deal killer until i LISTENED to deans think a little diffferent program/cd'$ and i was determined to create something no matter what !!! the main ingredient in creating a deal is to LISTEN to what the buyers are willing to spend ,want and need.then begin to ASK for something that no one else wants to ask what else do you have to offer in TRADE?? like deffered pyments or cars,trucks,motorcycles,mobile homes,trailers,appliances????? you name it and you could take these things in trade.If it is not something you can use then by all means KEEP A LIST of what it is they mentionbecause the next guy may NEED what they have or maybeeeeee just so happens THIS buyer had a PROBLEM needing to be solved Smiling)
This is exactly what happened and just for me asking the questions .....they had a newer manufactured home in a prk that they HAD TO MOVE because they were in an argument with the park owners and MUST move this immediately.
to make a long story short...i took this home in trade....sold it in 2 weeks .....pd off the home i signed contract ffor and collected and still collecting for 7 yrs total on the land contract !!!!
and also seperated a vacant lot that came with my purchased offered homeand CREATED ad deal on that also !!!! so this is just one way to CREATE $$$$ out of thin air by LISTENING and ASKING questions.
lets hear how you CREATED a deal !!!!
luv this real estate game !!!!


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CREATE a deal !!

Here is another deal I recently created that seemed like it was not going to happen. Two years ago I noticed 3 mobile homes
On a lot near the power lines I work on. I stopped to ask if these may be for sale as two of them looked like they were vacant. A tenant came to the door and answered all my questions and gave me the owners phone number. I discussed buying these with the 86 yr old owner who's husband died 10 yrs sooner. I LISTENED to all her problems with renting and upkeep and left her with my contact # and desire to buy.
Fast forward two yrs. the owners son calls me to say he had seen my bandit signs I BUY HOUSES and asked if I was still interested in the three mobile homes on 4.25 acres. Absolutely I am interested but what is the price ? Well he says .... The realtor came to view it for me and it is worth 26-30 k. I had viewed it two yrs earlier and immediately offered 10 k CASH and he says NO !!!' Okay now I say...... I will view it on Monday night after work.
During the Monday viewing the owners son keeps telling me how they REALLY want to get rid of this so I hone my repair skills to heightened alert. He tells me their may be a water Line problem as the tenant complained of chugging and dirt in the line. I immediately crawled under the mobile home to view the entire water lines and under carriage of each and every mobile home. I SUPER INSPECTED these Mh 's to be able to CREATE a deal because the owners were Tom by a PROFESSIONAL that it was worth up to 30 k or more!!
What did I find because I was willing to crawl on my hands and knees under ALL the homes???? Well under the rented one not much wrong but under the other two ....... Stolen copper water lines..... Stolen water pumps on BOTH!! Broken pipes that the owner did NOT know about ...... Even with many others casually viewing this property.
I believe that by going the EXTRA mile and being determined to find things others would not AND giving an estimate on repairs to fix all findings ..... I CREATED THIS DEAL !!!
My offer of 12 k for this was Denied ..... BUT THE NEXT DAY the owner called to ask ...... Would you give 13 k ???
ABSOLUTELY !!!!! deal done..... PA signed. Title team updating as we speak !!!! YEZZZZZZIR !!!


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