Jay Sthilaire

All About Jay Sthilaire

Jay Sthilaire's picture
Jay Sthilaire
brushton new york
About Me: 

power lineman-13 yrs
married to wonderful wife karen for 26yrs,have 1 great son justin 25 yrs old
love to read and learn would love to retire young and travel with family and friends with profit from real estate !!!!!!

learning,reading books on personal development,,real estate,helping others realize their dreams, life long learner!!

Topics I've Participated In

Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 3 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 5 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 41 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 44 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 12 weeks ago

Basic Info

,Real estate investor, real estate trainer
Have Child(ren)
Some College


HEY! ^.^

Real Estate Master's picture

HEY! ^.^

hey grace !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

welcome to deans site ! fantastic job on finishing the book !read your journal and admire your interest in real estate at such a young age ! behind you all the way. i am sure you will succeed
"find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life" harvey mackay


You read my journal!

Real Estate Master's picture

You read my journal! Laughing out loud

Thank You !! :-)

OregonSNOB's picture

Nice to hear from you. I am having surgery on Monday and am a bit nervous as it was life threatening before, this is just to put me back together now. Yippie !!!

Finally read all of PFRERN and will now have to go back and highlight a bunch of things and start to get my team together.

Good luck with your REI!


t's Personal Power II

Real Estate Master's picture

t's Personal Power II


Jay Sthilaire's picture

thats great i also have it and wish i would have started in real estate as young and bright as you!!you are for sure on your way to financial freedom. how did you discover deans program?

Invermertial! lol Thats how

Real Estate Master's picture

Invermertial! lol Thats how I found out about Matt's coarse!

I will

Real Estate Master's picture

I will

hi there

alaska1971's picture

i wanted to share this with you , this isa private only membership org. membership by invatation only

ilike to invite you in

code 1500379

i think you will thank me later ,


I am new to the system and have two very promising homes, already well under FMV, that I want to put an offer on. I have seen the example contracts on the site but was wondering if anyone would be willing to share a contract they use "solely" for the purpose of my review? I just want to make sure that I get the contingencies correct that will allow me to get out of the contract if I am unable to produce a buyer. I know if I can get past the first sale I will be comfortable but want to see an example of the proper verbage to use. Also, any advice that you all learned from your first several deals you made. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Jay Sthilaire's picture

there are many posts on this subject if you look at the upper left corner of this page u will see a magnify glass and says search.enter contigencies and u will get many answers.
some contingencies r as follows
1]this contract is contingent upon owner financing
2}contract contingent upon partner approval
3}contract contingent upon inspection by a certified inspector of buyers choice.
4}this contract is contingent upon buyer financing

these are just a sample you can use there are many more u will find in your search but use at least 2-4 contingencies to cover you in a few different angles just in case you need to back out!! hope that helps

Hey Jay

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

Hey Jay How you doing
in real estate so far?

Hi you doing

Hey how u doing my name is anthony and i just got got done reading the book and i find a buyer who spends cash and i have a list of foreclosure homes. But i am kind of stuck on how to put the two togehter could u give me some advice.

tony i will pm you !

Jay Sthilaire's picture

that is great that u have a buyer with cash.ask him specifically what he is looking for and you can match him up with something. i will pm you to go over some options that may help you out.thanks for asking and wanting to learn

Wish Craft

NinasalesRE's picture

Hey JB! I laughed after reading the post you sent to Indiana about the book "wishcraft" because I just got done reading it myself! Funny because they are not printing the book anymore. I ordered it on amazon...

After reading it I found this site! LOL


Indiana-Joe's picture

I just wanted to stop by your guest page and wish you good luck on your future real estate deals. It is great to read about your past 4 deals with deal # 5 on the way! It gives new DG Members inspiration and information. I look forward to hearing about your progress and future real estate deals. Keep up the good work. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Jay Sthilaire's picture



Jay Sthilaire's picture

thanks again joe for your much welcomed support!!it means alot coming from someone who is agressive and takes action who i can look up to!!good luck to you also and love to hear about your progress as well!!


danyatborder's picture

I hope you are doing good. I like your picture you have on your user ID.
Please say hi to your wife and thank her for the picture she took for us also with Dean.

hey daniel

Jay Sthilaire's picture

karen said hi !! how is your rei going ? hope all is well with you and wife.tell her we said hi also.We enjoyed talking to you late into the evening at the edge !!!

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.


How are you Jay!

bombercpa's picture

Hey bud... Sorry I have not been around much but as you could probably tell from my last post, things have been really tough. You don't know how much I appreciate you thinking about me! You are definately a good man and deserve all the blessings that God can.... should I say, WILL bestow on you!

Send me a PM with your number so I can give you a call one of these days. I think you might have given it to me before but just in case!

Take care,



Jay Sthilaire's picture

i will pm right away.glad your back!!

Jay, Hi, am new to the site

Hi, am new to the site but hope to network and find good people. If your ever looking for more networking tools, please visit www.**** , its free and has thousands of RE investors!


Jay Sthilaire's picture

thank you i will check it out !! congrats on joining this awesome site !!
here is where u will find an amazing amount of good people!!
good luck with all your deals

Great Info. Even in Your Guestbook, Jay

I'm new to Dean's world, but I signed up for the Success Academy right off the bat and hope that will give me a running start on beginning this part of my life. I don't have money to start investing with, so I'm intending to start with doing Assignments. My coach at the Academy has me doing exercises each week to get my feet wet. I'm amazed at all the information on here. I've got 28 years in the legal field so I know a little about some of the stuff involved, but nothing about marketing or advertising so I'm looking at everything on Dean's site.

I wish you well with your next deals, Jay.

Brenda Haney


Jay Sthilaire's picture

Thanks for the support.CONGRATULATIONS ON JOINING the academy !!!
And the start of your succesful rei journey .way to take action and I know you can learn the necessary directions as you have already learned the legal side.
Good luck and tons of sucess wished upon you !!

A Quick Question?

There's a lady on my buyers list that just got approved for a $90k loan to purchase a home. I've spotted many houses of her interest. What would be the best way to request a Lease Option from these houses' owners?


Jay Sthilaire's picture

Dartenell,if she is approved for a 90,000 loan i would be thinking of locking up a deal and assigning it to her for some quick cash.but......your question was for lease option so i would advise getting on the phone and ASKING all sellers if they would be interested in a lease option.FIND THEIR MAGIC BUTTONS !!!



I been reading all your stuff and I would like to know if you can mentor me.

Sueeze Pages.

I am interested in your squeeze pages and was wondering how I could get something similar. Thanks.
Otha Alexander

Newbie needs help

Hello, my name is Eddie and I'm a newbie in the realestate game. I have a question--I found a investor who wants to retire. He in the past has had over 30 properties and now he's down to 13. He wants to sell the last 13, and is willing to do L/C for each with a downpayment of @ least 7,000. With him willing to do land contracts, that's letting me know he's motivate in some form. All 13 properites are currently rented out with rents ranging from 850-1100. His asking price for 2 of the 13 are for 40,000 the other 11 are for 65,000. All homes are own free and clear. My credit is poor and I have no downpayment or closing cost. Hopefully I can convince him to do some type of seller-finance,but for the time-being he's not int creative financing. Does anyone have a solution?


Jay Sthilaire's picture

My squeeze pages r from the SFL system.


Lets say i have the property under a flex option, and i find an interested buyer ready to purchase, how do i go about going through the final process so i can get paid? im stuck, anyone able to assist me on this one?

The Man

JoshV's picture

Jay I just wanted to show your guest book some love. You've been a great help towards me and others. Thanks Jay.. I'll be waiting to give you another high-five.



MxChica's picture


Finally off the Tower

reinvestor42's picture

Hey Jay,

Nice updated picture!

Keep on knocking those deals out


need help

Show me how I can make money in 30 days. I have no money my credit is bad, but if you help me it a big in me and my family lives. Look forward working with you.

your buyers and sellers sites

canuckinvestments's picture


with respect to your websites, how are you able to drive traffic to them and how have you set up the site to obtain contacts etc...

perhaps a book you could recommend...thanks.

jays success

Hey Jay:Iadmire what you have done and after reading about you ,I would like to ask you a question.I have a problem with what paper work should I use to send to a investor to show him a property.what all do i need to send him to let him see what I have to offer.If you can help me ,IWOULD APPRECIATE IT VERY MUCH.THANKS DOC

Networking with ppl across the country!

Supreme617's picture

Hey how you doing Jbtoggs. Im a younf real estate investor looking to connect with as many investors as I could. Would you be able to provide me with your


I look forward to doing business with you in the future.

New To This

jdilley09's picture

I'm a newbie here and I'm treating this site as my new face book lol. Just wanted to say what's up and I hope you make lots of money and have crazy fun. I'm looking to build my buyers list now and get really involved with the DG Fam.

Just passing through ...

Michellebr's picture

Hey jbtoggs!

One week ago today I ordered Deans book PROFITFRERN... it came with BEAREM... and I couldn't stop there so I ordered the DVD No Money Down & the book YOURTYRE... PPPHHHEEEWWW! During the week I read through all the free 3 chapter downloads, watched all the video emails, checked out totalviewrealestate.com and bit all my nails off in excitement! LOL .. The video came on Thursday, have blew through that already too & today ALL the books came! NOW, as I take a DEEP breath.... HELPPPPPppppp!!!! I have so much info running through my head, I feel almost hysterical. I don't know where to begin first, meaning getting started in what I am considering to be my niche. I want to hit the ground running. I am a new investor and I feel like information overload. Because I am a stay at home mom with my two yr old, I have all the time I need to do what ever it takes. Financially, I am not ready for the DG academy, but I am planning on working my way there soon.

Anyway, I was bouncing thru dg.com and came across you & I read some of your stories & decided I think it will be a great idea to start with you. You seem to have loads of info & insight... and I'm looking to start making some friends here... Do you have any suggestions for me? How did you get started? Did you have any experience? Did you start with deans academy?

I really appreciate your time and I am looking forward to getting to know more about you!



good job guys way to go.

Welcome to the DG family superstar

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Im impressed with your profile
Keep up good work.
thanks for the motivation

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.
God bless you.

Hey Jay

How are you? I hope you are doing great. I just wanted to appreciate for all your words of encouragement which you have given me in the past and it has made me more stronger and also motivated me to take more actions in my rei business.

Best wishes investing!

My favorite quote of today "No matter what comes your way, shake it off and move forward. When you have a positive mindset, you can't be defeated."- Joel Osteen


Jay Sthilaire's picture

Welcome my friend. That's what we do here !! You are an inspiration to others here also as you have dedicated yourself to learn and share with everyone to not only become better but to help others do the same !! You Rock !!


HEY JAY !!!!!

hope your having a gr8 2015 all the best man


hey buddy

I want to make a offer on this property i need some place to stay hes asking more than its value but i haven't qualified that yet is there a stream to give me guidance i want to act on this now!