How I did my first few deals

How I did my first few deals

My first few deals, unlike most people, were done via a lot of help via the internet!

Through using networking sites like this one and **** , I was able to locate people who are looking to actually buy property. Before Id buy, id go onto these sites, look at exactly what they want to buy- and boom! Just flip it over. I have done retail deals in the tri state area and am now working on my 3rd deal!



Sounds good

How did you work these deals? Did you lock up the homes first and charge a fee to the new buyer. Seems like a really good idea.


Doug Gregory

"it's only an island if you look at it from the water"
Chief Brody "JAWS"

i would recommend just

i would recommend just asking for a finder fee and make them sign an agreement, rather than locking up the home, risking your own money, hiring a lawyer etc. just ask for a 5% finder fee for bringing them the deal.


Great Job! Did you use any of Dean's no money down systems?? How did your deals work out? Please give us some details?? Please write back. But then again CONGRADULATIONS ON THE JOB!



Thank you

Thanks rbj228

Makes sense. I signed up and will see if I can work some deals.

All the Best,


Doug Gregory

"it's only an island if you look at it from the water"
Chief Brody "JAWS"

sign up to Leadtackle, i

sign up to ****, i used that as well as loopnet, activerain and other networking sites to help get advice and network with buyers/sellers. Theres really not much to tell , you probably know everything you need to know - the best practice is experience, get out there and make mistakes...then learn from them

When you signed up with

When you signed up with ****, did you select that you are a buyer/investor?

I tried, but it asks for a company name. I don't have a company name yet.


Together, we can be successful!

put n/a or put your personal

put n/a or put your personal name