Waiting on Answer from Bank on My First Deal Tomorrow

Waiting on Answer from Bank on My First Deal Tomorrow

Well it has taken me almost a year to get over my fear and put everything into action. I am at highest and best with the bank and really think I have an edge as it is a cash offer. (just need to find the investor QUICK if I get it)

I recently listed and sold a home 8 houses down from this one in 7 days for $165,000. This one that is foreclosed I am trying to get for $100k and is the exact same home. It needs about $15k worth of work. If I win the bid, I am looking to split the deal 50/50.

Worse case scenario it needs $20k in repairs and I sell it for $155, that is still a $35k PROFIT!!

Wish me luck, and if anyone of you happen to be interested in financing it, private message me or shoot me an email at scottsrealestate@****




Congratulations on getting started on your first deal. Sounds like you know what you're doing already. Keep working hard !!

To your success,
-Gabriel Do Carmo


"You deserve to be successful"

Gabriel Do Carmo

Hey Scott

Hope everthing falls into place for you.I'll be rooting you on.The good side about it, is you got over the fear.LOL It should be smooth sailing for you now.. It's just getting over that hurdle of fear and you did it..May You Have Great Success In All Your Endeavors.... Aloha Cecelia