I'm a newbie in San Diego,CA and I found a property on Craigslist.If you could look at it,purchase or assign it,you could give me a $500 bird dog fee.I am just trying to get started,to prove this business can work.
Dean suggests teaming up,so I'm hoping this could work.
You could PM me and I will give you all the details !
Where in Indiana is the property and do you have it under contract. Hint you should have it under contract if you are going to post it here. I buy properties in Indiana and I can go on graigs list to buy it if you do not have it under contract. I would not need to pay you $500. if I can buy direct.
I hope this helps. I hope you can see why I am telling you this.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Sorry to have bothered you.
That is how you learn by putting stuff out there...and taking action!
you said you were new and I was trying to help you out. But if you do not want to learn that is ok. I had a lot of great help when I started. If you want to learn how to post a property send me a PM.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Hi Ray, Get it under contract then get your bird dogging fee or assign it your time is worth something too.We are here to help so dont close the door listen an learn an some times that can be in the form of tough love but remeber its still love an deep caring an we truely care about your suceess. Remeber when you climb the tree to get the fruit its not all on the way up you have to reach out on the limbs an s-t-r-e-t-c-h(stretch)to get the other fruit an thats how we grow so dont say "Iam sorry to bother you" dont be sorry my new investor an friend we are here to help so dont take the help the wrong way. If you want to grow you have to get out of your comfort zone an I dont know about you but if Iam not reaching out Iam not growing an life isnt fun. Your on a great an wonderful journey so stand up straight an look this deal in the eye an take the advise we give an grow an be that awesome investor you are ment to be, an if I can be of more help remeber Ray the door is always open an you dont even have to knock an Iam sure that the whole DGers Family is with me in that we are here for you, so learn , learn, learn an put it to work, you are around some of the greatest investors in the world right here an the help is truely awesome, have a wonderful day Ray, Jim