Dream a Little Dream

Dream a Little Dream

I can't believe I have been surfing this site since just before Thanksgiving and I never saw this area! This is actually where we want to take our business ultimately that is.

My dream is to start into this business however we need to and to do it by helping out others right from the get go. See we both have family and friends who are in poor situations and are in dire need of good, clean affordable housing with the dream of home ownership not only attached to it but a very real possibility!

We have both been in some bad situations in our lives where a little helping hand would have changed our entire lives for the better and to be here now on the cusp of starting our dreams just amazes us as well as solidifying our belief that one day we will be able to help people who are where we have been.

I already have in mind a way for us to go about this.

Well first off we need to get through this first deal with our friends in finding them their forever home, make a buck and fix our vehicles. My trucks transmission went many months ago and his vehicle is starting to fall apart. So that's step one.

Next step learn more!! LOL I have a feeling that step is going to be a life long never ending journey. Smiling

While learning more we need an income! That said we plan to bird dog and start an ROE cleaning business at the same time. (I plan to turn the cleaning business over completely to my oldest daughter when the time comes) Along with this REO cleaning business seeing as how I have not only a love of but a pretty good working knowledge of antiques and things of that order I plan to take that cleaning biz a step further and include SOME demo for starting the flipping process of the homes we are contracted to clean. While doing that I will take whatever is takeable (meaning allowed to take) such as doors, windows, cabinets and whatever else there may be. Fix them and resell them or even use them for our own future use of flipping houses.

While we are doing this we will be paying off our debt and starting a little nest egg.

When the time comes I want to further my education while working these business's get my Realtor licenses, hopefully go to Deans Success Academy AND get my home inspectors licenses!

I know that sounds like a lot but it doesn't stop there!

Our next step or even working this step while working all the others above and start buying houses, flipping them where needed and rent them out!

I already have a goodly amount of clients ready and willing, those would be our friends and family.

Now going with the knowledge that I am a mother of three and we need to continue to make money in order to get to the top I do not want to just give homes away. We are looking at doing 5 year lease contracts with the option to buy the home at the end of that time with money spent in rent or half of the money spent in rent considered down payment. The plan is still in the making and we will work the kinks out as things go along...

Anyhow I already know the woman who runs the first time home buyers program in our county.This will be a few years down the road but it is the plan.
I have no intentions of ever making these homes FREE because as I mentioned I have three children myself and one thing they taught me is if I hand it to them free and clear it gets broke. Actually completely destroyed and forgotten about is more like it. For example if I gave them a car and said make the payments or lose it they are more likely to work their tails off to keep that car. Know what I mean?

That said I want to help but I don't want to be mooched off of either.

It might take me 5 years, 10 or even 20 to get to this point (I sure hope it doesn't take 20 years!) but get to it I will.

Thanks Dean for including this section in your web site! I will be sure to keep checking back on it and hope to offer my assistance as I learn and follow through with our goals!

I wanted to add that part of the reason I thought buying Deans book and working with his program in order to achieve our goals and dreams is because we honestly feel that his honesty and over all goodness just radiates off him. Thank you for this opportunity Dean!


You can't save the world but you can offer a hand up to a few along your way.

Still trying to get mine business going

Siana, I agree with everything you said. Give an inch and they take a mile. BUT I learned ONLY IF YOU LET THEM. So how are you doing in your business? How many homes have you bought and sold?

Annette Bates


If it's to be, it's up to me! Believe in YOURSELF!

If you have guts then you

If you have guts then you can fulfill your dream even if its little or big you can reach it if you want. Just give an effort into it.
white rock condos for sale


Thanks for the posting, I enjoyed reading this...and will have to reread this again later.



~Blessed beyond measure and enjoying life to its fullest!~