I have seen Dean refer to receiving his emails. How do I sign up to receive them. I didn't see anything on site for this. HELP!
I have seen Dean refer to receiving his emails. How do I sign up to receive them. I didn't see anything on site for this. HELP!
You may want to try the following customer support, it is located at the top of the site called "Get Support" :
"Our team is dedicated to providing you top notch customer service. If you have any questions or comments regarding your order, products or billing please take advantage of one our many channels of customer service by calling us, using the live online support chat or our help/trouble ticket system by using the buttons below."
Support By Phone: 1-866-510-8060
Online Support System: www.deansupport.com
Live Online Support Operator:
Good luck with REI. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Add your info here and you will get all the emails:
You can request they are stopped at any time and your email is NEVER shared with anyone else, EVER. We have a great rep and the last thing we would ever do is ruin it by giving out email addresses. We don't even let people post their email addresses in the forums because they will end up getting spammed, so you can bet we keep your email address under lock and key.