I heard it mensioned in the last conference call, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. I know what a regular lease option is, but not quite sure what a sandwhich lease option is. Can someone please explain? Thanks.
"Open minds backed by knowledge, wisdom, persistence, and determination equals unstoppable excellence"
- wrecklessKane
I believe it is when you sign the agreement with "And/or assigns"
Invest in yourself!
Are you sure? Because I figured a sandwich lease option would be something like you leasing a property with an option to buy it, and then turn around and rent it out to someone else, also granting them an option to buy it. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I gotta know for sure.
"Open minds backed by knowledge, wisdom, persistence, and determination equals unstoppable excellence"
- wrecklessKane
A sandwich lease is where you actually are doing a lease option from the seller and then turning around and doing a lease option to another buyer.
You set it up so that when you go to purchase it the buyers that you are leasing it to purchase it around the same time.
Hope this helps
Oh ok so I was right all along then. Thanks for the clearing that up for me, I really appreciate it!
"Open minds backed by knowledge, wisdom, persistence, and determination equals unstoppable excellence"
- wrecklessKane
Your welcome. It helps that I am a Real Estate Agent also. Gives me a little advantage on the terms.
Take care
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