Getting the numbers right

Getting the numbers right

Hello DG family. Here I am once again asking for your help, but this one will be short. I just wanted to know what is the best way to come up with the rental value of a property? Thanks in advance.


Rental Property value

When you are calculating the value of a rental property, I personally like to initially see if it follows the 1% rule. That rule states that what ever the properties sales price is 1% of that will be the payment PITI for an investor. I like to take this a step further and see if the home will cash flow on a 15 year note - PITI, positively of course! If it does not - NO DEAL!!! I hope that this information helps!

PITI - Principle, Interest, Taxes, Insurance - What a pity!


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you're the one salden

Thank you very much, salden. That is very helpful. I definitely will use that strategy.

How well does

How well does this formula work? I've a couple rentals I'm evaluating, one of which doesn;t have any comps, and the other is... well both homes are cash cows every month, and the tenants pay on time. Is there anything you suggest in this case?

salden wrote:
When you are calculating the value of a rental property, I personally like to initially see if it follows the 1% rule. That rule states that what ever the properties sales price is 1% of that will be the payment PITI for an investor. I like to take this a step further and see if the home will cash flow on a 15 year note - PITI, positively of course! If it does not - NO DEAL!!! I hope that this information helps!

PITI - Principle, Interest, Taxes, Insurance - What a pity!