I Tried to ask this question in the search box but got no results. I would like to access the RBBP Back Office to download the Transactional form that Carol Stinson was going to post there for those of us that listened to her Mentoring session tonight.
What she was referring to...This will be located at the bottom of the Carol Stinson Mentor pages under title "Additional Resources" at the bottom of her page. You will find the Purchase Contract and Assignment Contract there now. The Transactional Contract will be up shortly if not there now. Hope that helps.
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
I see you can only access the link from her September 7 page link, at the bottom.
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
The back office is the page you have that you have been accessing the mentor calls from. Carol forms links are on the September 7 & 14 calls at the bottom of the page. Transitional Contract is actually titled " Buyers Disbursement Instructions". If you read it you will see it "transaction fee" throughout.
YES!!! You guys are AWESOME Ive been trying to figure this one out! Thank you very much.....so do either one of you know how to fill this DBI form out? Where it says "Payee Signature" is that me? I know this sounds like a dumb Question...this is a great piece of the puzzle..Im getting excited!