…who you are is totally and completely up to you!!!

Investing can be difficult. At times we have to deal with agents that don’t know what they are doing, buyers that won’t pull the trigger on a property, and sellers that are unrealistic. However, it is up to us as to how we deal with these people. I’ll admit that I have been guilty of letting other people’s decisions influence me in a difficult way. I have found that it is very important to understand that our life is up to us. And I’m not just talking about our life’s destination. I’m talking about how we live our life day to day. When we let others influence us in a negative way even for a day that is a day lost.

Just remember…
At the end of the day who you are is totally and completely up to you!!!


Plan as You Go

Planning as you go. Andy Heller, an Atlanta-based investor and co-author of "Buy Even Lower: The Regular People's Guide to Real Estate Riches," says lack of a plan is the biggest mistake he sees new investors make. They buy a house because they think they got a good deal and then try to figure out what to do with it. That's working backward, Heller says. "First, you find the plan," he says. "Then you find the house to fit the plan. Pick your investment model, and then go find property to match that. Don't find the strategy after you find the home."

The problem is that most people look at real estate as a transaction instead of as an investment strategy, says Doug Crowe, a Chicago-based real estate investor and speaker. "People fall in love with a property," says Crowe, who is managing director of Springboard Academy, the nation's only real estate academy for investors. "I say, 'Who cares about the property?' I fall in love with a motivated seller."

The number is the number, and you don't go above that, he says. The best way to solve the problem is to have lots of activity and make offers on multiple properties. Then you don't care which one you get -- as long as the numbers work out in your favor.aheller