When we start on a new venture we are very motivated and eager to be successful. However, the world quickly shows us every reason why we are not going to succeed. Our friends and sometimes even our family tell us we can't make it.
Many times we have to be our own fan. We have to be the ones that cheer us on. Whenever I talk to new students I tell them straight up that investing is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a career change. You will meet obstacles. You will meet challenges. But these can all be overcome. You can change your life if you are willing to put in the effort.
Remember the ones that succeed in this business are the ones that think they can.
thank you brandon, i completely agree. there is so much to the success of any business that come from the mindset of the business owner. If you don't believe you are going to make it you won't. you get what you believe.
thank you for helping us remember how important it is to have confidence in ourselves and in deans system so we can keep the right mindset.
I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!
As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013
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