I bought BARM and the first part of the book really
reminded me! I CAN DO IT (if) I put my heart into it!
For me,I just needed to hear that.(problem)This is
real estate...So for me if i am going to be successful,
I will check my E-MOTION at the door.I have decided?
I am going for it...REI! I will call all people
that are a part of real estate! I will take it easy
and realize..."NO" is my friend, I plan on hearing
alot of that!And i will teach them(YES WE CAN).
See i flip the coin...Thanks to your posts!!!
If you are looking to buy or sell (I will buy your
house)/(Homes below market value)/(Easy financing)
And forgive me! The second part of BARM gave me
the tools i need to think a little different in
My forum topic is FIRST STEP, What do you think
or does it remind you of where you started as
a REI.
Congratualtions on buying Dean's book and taking action. It is great to hear your positive attitude and I wish you well on all your real estate deals. Go get those deals! Believe and Achieve!
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thank you okrand I enjoyed reading your inspireing post.
I too will embrace every no that comes my way, but also
instictively knowing that even some of those no s that I
embrace will be turned into a yes
Thanks Paul