Buying land with a Mine

Buying land with a Mine

has anyone had any experience with buying a property with an old Mine? I am considering buying a nice piece of land with an old copper mine. My question is, will I be responsible for any clean up. If so, can it be avoided? Perhaps I will sell at a nice discount in return for not having to clean any old mine stuff up.

Thanks, Russell


Buying land with a Mine

I don't have any experience with that personally but have seen others have expensive fixes. A couple of local attorneys purchased an old gasoline service station site to build themselves a new office. The site had been inactive for years as a service station. EPA found soil contamination and they had to remove all the soil to a depth of 15 feet and dispose of the soil in a special and expensive waste disposal site and then refill the hole with clean dirt. They certainly hadn't caused the contamination but did have to fix it. Since they were both attorneys I expect they used every legal means possible to avoid doing so. Protect youself by having an environmental audit of the property done to identify what problems may be there.



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Your are responsible for your property after you buy it.. whether you caused any of the problems or not. Moral: KNOW what you are buying.

Check it out

Many States have laws governing inactive mines. You probably need to research this before buying.




Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw


Thanks guys!!!