Cash Purchases and Real Estate agents

Cash Purchases and Real Estate agents

Hello DG family. My name is Marcus and I'm a rookie investor eager to get my first deal under my belt. So any advice is welcomed and appreciated. My question is how can I get access to cash purchases records in my target area? I've spoke with a couple RE agents and they've either told me they can't get access to that kind of information or that information is confidential. Feel free to include a script so I can sound as professional as possible without sounding like I'm requesting something illegal(you wouldn't believe the reactions I've gotten Lol)

Thanks in advance for all the helpful answers!
God Bless


HELLO MARCUS !!!!!!!!!!!

see my signature for matts videos explaining how to get an agent etc. also what you want to ask for is cash solds not cash buyers. they are not going to want to tell you who the cash buyers are because they feel those people are there customers. ask for cash solds. all the properties that have sold for cash in the last 90 120 days. hope this helps. you also need to fill out your bio page it helps us to help you if we know a little bit about you where you are etc.... click on some others and get some ideas...

have a great day,

Yes or the free book up in the right hand corner

30 days to Real Estate Cash! Great, Easy Read!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

How to get what you want

Explain to your agent that you would need a list of properties that sold for cash in the last 90 days and you will be using this information for an investment strategy if they were to ask you. Most realtors would tell you they can't or don't know how to pull this list. If they happen to tell you this you simply tell them to call the 1-800-MLS help line and someone would walk them through on how to get the list. You simply say you have partners who gets these same list from agents they work with.


Reynold Orozco

Cash Sold List in Atlanta

I'm not exaggerating but I've been going into the Atlanta market as my first virtual wholesale market and have emailed and talked to hundreds of Realtors, not lying. So much so it distracted me from sellers.

I've even done the two sheeter fax every office strategy in Profit From Real Estate RIGHT NOW to 10 offices in Atlanta. Still can't find a realtor that will or can give me the cash sold list. I've had 15 Realtors "attempt" to give me the cash sold list and still nothing even when I tried explaining to them to call the MLS hotline.

There's got to be something wrong or missing. I'm actually ****ed off beyond belief now because I want to break this stupid freakin' "secret" everyone is holding back in Atlanta. In Denver I got the "cash sold" list in ALL of Denver that was a over 1500 properties in two days! It's been over a month and have reached out to hundreds of realtors in Atlanta! Might end up going to an easier market.

Please help!


Adam Macias


7981 to be exact so buddy 15 isnt even getting noticed. keep faxing or emailing. do some research and see if you can find a new agent thsat is hungry and eager to learn....


7981 Agents!

Good lord how did you find that out? haha Yeah maybe I forget how big the world really is. Thanks Walt! Pushed me to get on it more!


Adam Macias