

Before I ask A Banker,or a mortgage broker. i wanted to
ask the big ?!at the DG site. Here it is.I been looking at Hud,and Gov't owned Homes. Do the entities mentioned cure any liens on the properties ? If,so which ones,all liens,or certain ones?

Thank You for Your Help in Advance
Reynolds C


Looking for and Investor to believe in us, A Letter to Dean

My wife and I have formed a company and begun our journey into Real Estate Investing. So far to date we have:
Attended two of your seminars both in Pasadena, CA. The first was a short one then a 3 day Seminar we paid for.
We purchased the “Prop Stream” software in Pasadena as it was every penny we could put together. We do so want to and will attend your Success Academy after we finish our first deal.
Named Our Company and its Officers.
We built and published a web site.
We obtained an 800 phone line with multiple extensions and recorded all messages.
We sent out Mortgage Broker letters and secured a Great Mortgage Broker to work with our contacts.
We sent out Real Estate Agent letters. We received one response that was hopeful, but when she didn’t want to do a simple Market Analysis to assure us she was in tune with the market withdrew our offer to work with her. We need someone with Drive and Desire who is not afraid of WORKING for a Solid Stream of Income.
We have placed ads in Craig's list and are already getting calls from buyers.
We have 2 serious Investors with cash up to $1 million on one part and $350,000 on the other and a third interested in a Lease Option.

We’ve purchased and hand written our bandid signs and begun the process of putting them out in different areas.
This process has required commitment of every penny of our Income to this point. We are out of funds and needing to complete what we have begun.
Herein lies the problem; at this point we are wandering aimlessly trying to put together the “Numbers” to make sense to make a deal work out. We don’t really understand all the information on the Software and how to put it to work. We know that this is all “Revealed” either in Scottsdale at the “Edge” event or more likely it’ll be in the “Success Academy”.
So here is what we propose, If you would kindly guide us through this process to create and finish the deal, we are willing to Sign Up for your “Success Academy” Right Now! In addition to that we would be more than happy to offer you a percentage (yet to be determined) of the transaction when it finishes. We’ll sign a contract to that effect if you would be willing to TAKE A CHANCE with us and Help us Help tons of People and create as much Financial Relief and Freedom to as many people as we can along the way!

We’re hoping you see this as a “WIN—WIN” Situation and would love to talk to you further about this. Please call us at your earliest Opportunity and lets work together to make a brighter tomorrow!

Wishing You Happiness and Prosperity,

Rick & Peggy Klauss
Eagles Crest Properties
661 803-0391


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties

Hey Reynolds

I think you may actually be able to find the answer to your question on the HUD website.

I believe once HUD takes a house back, it will come free and clear of any liens to the new buyer. Again, you should be able to find that info at their site.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard