God,Dean,and Joel Olstien.......are one in the same

God,Dean,and Joel Olstien.......are one in the same

Although I have not made a deal yet,I'm learning alot through Deans books.I'm in the Acadamy but do to an life chanding auto accident I dont have my own PC right now.I'am not looking for sympathy I just want to say,its o.k. right now ,there are other tools.I will b having my back surgery next monday and I do have all the lessons printed out,and I have all of Deans books,and one of Joel Olstiens books.Thanks to the posative influences from Dean,and Joel,I know i will get through this and come up on top.So thank you!I love u all Kimmie P.S. Thanks to PMI for deferring my payments till I'm better. And of course Thank God


Kimmie in Lake Tahoe

I'm sorry to hear about your

I'm sorry to hear about your back, but I admire your positive spirit! This is what I like to see. Keep going!


Together, we can be successful!


Your very exact..God, Joel and Dean...same great, hopefilled, faithful, good, helpful, giving, trusting Spirit. And you sweety, sound like your not that far behind w/the same spirit. JUST KEEP BELIEVING...NO MATTER WHAT..KEEP U IN PRAYER!


Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!

How goes the victory?!

Hi Kim!

I would love to know how you are and how your surgery went! I'm a great believer in sharing the good things that happen to us, helps build our faith and get us through tough times. If you haven't already, you should read about Dotie Osteen's testimony on how she survived cancer. I know her and her late husband, John, and can say with great certainty they are people of faith. I remember Joel saying, " she was like a walking Bible. quoting scripture all day long." Keep your faith in the right place and you will come out on top, in all things!!!

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