
All About Orelia

Orelia's picture
Spring Hill, Florida
About Me: 

I am a 29 year old that is married with two kids. I am originally from Toledo, Ohio. I have a Associates Degree in Business and I eventually want to go back to school for my Bachelors..because I love learning, but my ultimate goal is to be financially free, and I know that is a goal that can be accomplished with real estate. I am the type of person that is honest and straight forward. I just love life! Remember: "Do not concentrate on things that you CAN NOT change, but concentrate on things that you CAN change!"

My interests are reading, traveling, being with friends and family, drawing, music...Just having fun and living life to the fullest! :)

Topics I've Participated In

Roadmap to raise 100% financing for a rehab/refi nmbiggar928 years 2 weeks ago
Wholesaling Basics 101 Elena M1809 years 48 weeks ago
Business Website.. Orelia310 years 39 weeks ago
Building Business Credit (Separate from your own) Zion Properties11411 years 49 weeks ago
I found an abandoned house Orelia1312 years 2 weeks ago

Basic Info

Site Administrator
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Orelia

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.