I'm doing all the reading and feels like I can do it ,But when I think about it I'm overcome with fear.
What can I do ? I'm taking nots and
have made contact with a Realtor and have sent him a Robotic message. and he have in return sent me a Real Estate Agent which he think will work with me, but when try to call him my fear takes over and I cant do it.
Fear is the opposite of Faith, believe in yourself and your efforts and kick fear to the side, remember, it does not cost to ask a question. Now, step out onto the rough waters and don't look down. Post a list of your goals and hang the list all around your office/house. This will help you keep focused, also cut out some photo shots of what your dream house looks like and work towards your goals.
What can I do to get over my Fear?
I'm doing all the reading and feels like I can do it ,But when I think about it I'm overcome with fear.
What can I do ? I'm taking nots and
have made contact with a Realtor and have sent him a Robotic message. and he have in return sent me a Real Estate Agent which he think will work with me, but when try to call him my fear takes over and I cant do it.