All About antanid

antanid's picture
About Me: 

IM a young man who wants better for my family and my children out of this world and to help as many people as I can and help others become as well as letting others help me become better

real estate books and music

Topics I've Participated In

JUST STARTING antanid910 years 45 weeks ago
difference between tax leins and tax deeds antanid210 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

tube bender for nelson global products
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Just starting out

antanid's picture

Hello how is every one my name is Daryll and i been a member on here for but just now getting involved and looking forward to meeting new people and helping people

Hello and welcome from North Carolina!

Anthony Davis's picture

It is my great pleasure to stop by your guestbook to give you a warm welcome and a great big hello!
I hope you are just as excited now as your were when you first joined the DG Family. It seems you already have your 'whys' in order (why you are interested in real estate). Now, be sure to record them to paper (or a digital tablet). Learn about the type of real estate you are curious about. Next, make a bunch of offers. Whenever any of your offers are accepted, write up a contract for said property. Repeat process, repeat process, and repeat process. Use this site to aid you and support you. Get a real estate attorney on your side ( someone who does mostly real estate work Or one who has many years of real estate experience).
Cheers to your success,
Freedom Seeker,


antanid's picture

Thanks Anthony I appreciate the support and I will certainly use your advice but I have a quick question how can I get a good real estate attorney without having a job rite now or do I wait till after I do a few deals?