
All About aqua4bj

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #371 - The Experience of Life... dgadmin2109 years 1 week ago
Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 13 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Especially enjoyed your

Especially enjoyed your weekly wisdom this week. I watch it every week, and always receive food for thought. I have to let you know after listening this week I am going to try to attach more pain to doing a particular project at home that I continually have avoided, but now I am going to focus on turning this around, thanks to you!
I have not posted, before, so hope I'm in the right place, cuz you also gave me the incentive to win the MacBook Air. Thanks again!

My biggest fear (and

My biggest fear (and obstacle) is what other people will say/think of me when I fail at something I tell them I want to do. It freezes me from trying. I know this is based on past experiences, but they continue to occur, and continue to deter me from doing things. I have learned a lot from watching your weekly wisdoms each week. Thank you so much for your encouragement!

# 1 Love, #1 Priority

You said in this week's weekly wisdom that your kids are your number one love and your number one priority. I think it's great that you are such a "hands-on" dad, and that you are doing so much to nurture them. I do not know if you are married or not, but I do hope that if you are, that your wife would come even before your kids as your first number one love and number one priority. Someday your kids will leave you to live on their own and you will still have your wife. That relationship should always be first in love, priority and nurturing. Your kids will also see how you treat her and you will be modeling for them a strong, healthy marriage relationship, like I'm sure you would like them to experience one day.