
All About bill2658

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Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 41 weeks ago
Last Blog bill265809 years 27 weeks ago
Looking to partner up bill265809 years 32 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #334 - What You Think Is What You Are. dgadmin2249 years 45 weeks ago
For Knowledgable Investors & Realtors bill265819 years 48 weeks ago

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need some insite

bill2658's picture

I've been in touch with a good realtor from upper ny area who was more than happy to give me a large list of bank owned forclosures,I've got some money to play with ,but I rather not use to purchase the houses,sort of stuck on getting a list buyers for the houses,scrambling going in all directions but the right one.I'm open to any guidance

anyone from NY

bill2658's picture

Just want to contact someone from the Dutchess County NY area

Well It's Official

bill2658's picture

It's official I'm broke the spent almost $6,000. and haven't made a cent and the single mom from Kentucky I was helping,bought a book and Cd for ,well can't help with christmas as of now and no one in her area is answering my calls for help with her trying to keep the christmas spirit and trying new things to make quick money, probably look for night work,I sort of made a commitment to send some gifts,not much around $400. worth gonna have to pound the pavement for work and once again my course goes on hold ,I know there's a bright side to this somewhere .

work in New York

bill2658's picture

I have a great broker I met in my area that wants to work with me - sort of at standstill trying to think of what to do to get going -does anyone have any feedback -thanks

Creative in NY

bill2658's picture

Is there anyone out there from ny doing creative real

Anyone from NY

bill2658's picture

Looking for someone from NY -trying to figure on what to get started on cant do finders fee in NY unless licensed realtor - I have a good broker to work with and I have a list of houses for sale in my county -the list is a year old - the broker I have has a person who is interested in short sales - feel like I'm going in circles dont know where to go . Any ideas appreciated . Thanks


bill2658's picture

Does anyone know if NY state will give funding to a person for rehabbing a house

TarryTown NY

bill2658's picture

Just got home from an Unbelievable weekend in TarryTown NY - so much energy - Mr. Davis was excellent great guy - Great staff - the guys were great - Such a thrill seeing a young man around 30yr old taking such a big step to change his life ' AWESOME " My wife and I attended the event and went to the previous one in White Plains - "Incredibly AWESOME "

TarryTown NY

bill2658's picture

What an Exciting weekend in TarryTown our Instructor/Speaker Mr. Davis was Incredible so much energy A truely Blessed and Amazing Man -as the men helping him all great guys {Jared } Such an amazing weekend for my wife and myself .One of the great events of the weekend was when a young girl in her 20's spoke how this would impact her life and a 30 yr old man stepping up .Truely AWESOME

Hudson Valley NY - Dutchess County area

bill2658's picture

I'm looking to connect with someone in my area Dutchess county - I'm located in Rhinebeck - just to get together may be to team up on some deals . my contact rnbdenick@****