My story is a simple one. In the fall of 2005 I found myself lost along lifes path. Broke, unhappy with my job, and trying to recover from a broken heart. I quit my job to solve that problem. I started reading books (self help) to fix my broken heart and I went on an unplanned trip to visit a great friend in Los Angeles. That trip has changed my life forever. That trip is what ignited the spark of my real estate flame. I ordered Deans "Think A Little Different" program and enrolled in Deans Success Academy, even though I couldn't afford it. I bought my first property on November 10th 2005. On November 7th 2008 I "retired" from my job. With enough passive income coming in, a job becomes optional. I chose to opt out. As I write this in January 2012, I now live in Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, I have completed nearly 900 real estate deals, and I make more per week than I used to in a year a machine shop worker. Although I consider myself an infant (6 years old) as a real estate investor, my biggest accomplishment is the lives that I have changed as a result of becoming an investor and as a real estate coach to many. When you decide to do something great, other people will be affected as well, and you may never know where that influence will end because it could go on for generations. Go out there and make something great happen today. Have the attitude that you "won't be denied". The world can't stop someone that won't be denied. Get it done!
Matt Larson
Desalegn Gemerew
Hi you doing sir, my name is Desalegn, and I can’t express how motivated I was after reading your profile, I to share the same story as you. At this moment I am 20yrs old, in college and am working full time getting paid $15 an hour. I am a very un experienced in real estate, but like you I am very driven and motivated, what advise can you give me on how to become a new investor, I have fair credit, and have a real estate agent as a cousin whom I’m close with which he himself has a good friendship with his broker, I reside in Columbus, Ohio, were foreclosure are happening left to right. Do I have the tools I need, were do you suggest I begin, your info would be greatly appreciated.
Motivated new investor