Joined: 2011-07-24
Points: 34

Tim Daly Jr
St. Pete/Tampa region
About Me:
I'm an IT Professional and Retail Manager by trade.
I am now on the path to discovering my true calling; which is real estate investor and entrepreneur.
Reading, PC repair and modifacation, Video Games, Swimming, Football, Ice Hockey, Baseball, Golf, and Poker.
FL Mobile Home Park
Hi Tim,
Would you, or someone you know, be interested in a FL Mobile Home Park (pocket listing) that offers 91 MH sites, 36 RV sites, 16 rental cabins, multiple income streams: boat launch, laundry, liquor, food, boat rental, etc.. If so, the purchase price is $2,600,000. Market value is $3,500,000+/-. Net Annual cashflow is $575,913.60. A financial spreadsheet is available upon request.
This won't last long, so let me know ASAP.