
All About butchtcoug

Matt Randall

Topics I've Participated In

Beginners, dont give up! sevans2915 years 2 weeks ago
A little discouraged - I'll be honest butchtcoug2815 years 2 weeks ago
Weekly Video Blog #47 - Important Update On SuccessFest! dgadmin28015 years 16 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


A Little Discouraged

Hello Matt,
My name is Ted and I understand how you fell, I've been an investor for 10 yrs now and still holding down a 8 hr job (Just Over Broke), and still run into situration that take a little time to figure out how to handle. I would first put faith within myself to believe that what ever I wnat out of life I can achieve! Matt, you must believe and read ALL of Deean's book's. Those books hold the key to you, getting out of the worldly troubles most of the world is sharing with you and ME at the moment. Follow the the advice given, and you will diffrently get out of the rut your in. I've had Dean's course since 4-11-09, have'nt close any deals yet but made 6 offers and working on still more. I use to have $500,000 net worth just two years ago but lost everything, things have changed now that I made the changes needed to just stay in the game, I'm uderstanting how to become a real investor and make it a WIN WIN for everyone. Get Dean's last book "YOur Town YOur REal Estate Profits" this one works...

Keep the faith Matt, cause if you don't Who will.
YOu get what you think about!