Founder of Mojo Social Media, and Leveraging emerging technologies and platforms, I consult with individuals, businesses and organizations to help develop leads, better and more intimate relationships with their customers and clients by delivering awesome value through Social Media, Video and Mobile Marketing. My goals are to develop my client's D.E.V. (Digital Exposure Value) and make them the experts in their field or industry locally.
I've been a National and Public speaker at S.C.O.R.E. events, Local Chambers of Commerce, and National Conferences on topics related to Internet Marketing, Video and Mobile Marketing for businesses as well as among the Medical Community.
I remain a Wound Care Certified Nurse by trade. I've treated countless patients with the wound healing process and helped their families cope with their afflictions. Perhaps the 18 years of teaching individuals and groups in the healthcare place setting groomed me for my true passion in helping others.
That passion for helping others transcended my career in healthcare into Internet Marketing, Social Media and emerging technologies like Mobile Marketing. I now Consult with others to help them understand and leverage systems for their benefit and to provide value