
All About dwain.carbon

Dwain Carbon

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #155 - Real Results Require Right Actions dgadmin9013 years 16 weeks ago
GETTING A STRONG BUYERS LIST blackboard8913 years 21 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


One of Dean's new students now in Tampa

Hello Dwain,

I saw one of your posts in the Florida groups and figured I would reach out to you. I am also new to the area. I have just started with coaching from Dean's people and starting to become active in Tampa.

Hope we could meet up some day. I will start attending the TBREIA subgroups meetings.

Dave Totzke

Hello Dave, I'm sorry for

Hello Dave,

I'm sorry for only now being able to get back to you, but I've been away from the community for awhile as it seems hard to connect with my fellow Tampanians, so I consider it a great pleasure to connect with you.

looking forward to hearing what you're up to.