I actually bought Dean's book more than 4 years ago. Unfortunately I did nothing with it, other than think about it often. I have a little background in investing. I made a great deal of money on my own as a small investor. It was a combination of a lot of hard work, never giving up, and a little luck. I then made the mistake of trusting others, trying to support them, as well as trying to grow my money. The betrayal and theft I have experienced over the last 5 years really crippled me financially and emotionally.
I am done being crippled, it is time to start over again. Over the years I have continued to check in, and Dean is still going strong. I have bought more of his products, and I am not just thinking about it anymore. I am studying it. I find myself glued to this web-site because there is so much knowledge and information here. It is just great. I believe Dean is the real deal. Although he is a business man making money, I believe that he actually cares about making a difference for others.
I believe that this time around, and this million I make will be supported by the education/knowledge and help from a lot of people that care about giving each other a hand to the top. I am definitly in need a little restoration of the good in mankind. I believe I am in the right place to get that.
I look forward to meeting many of you along the way.
Press on to success!
I started out in real estate studying quite a bit, but I did nothing with the knowledge I had for about two years, because I paid too much attention to what the news said and what I was seeing going on around me. I thought to myself, "Things are so bad why bother?" I recently saw Dean make the comment, "People may say the economy is going downhill, but that is not an excuse to give up. I hate to see all the bad things that are happening to this country, but there is really not much I can do about. So I focus on making things better for myself. I don't have time to waste dwelling on negative things". It was a strong kick in the pants for me. I realized I can't wait around for things to get better. There are three kinds of people in this world. People who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who say, "What happened?!" I knew I was watching what was happening. I want to make things happen! I have the RBBP and I'm currently trying to get my realtor in place
Good luck and best wishes on your real estate journey!