Jeffrey T. Harvey Sr.

All About J.T.

J.T.'s picture
Jeff Harvey
Erie Pa.
About Me: 

I'm 50 something and going through a time in my life when the norm is not enough. Normal is working for a living, struggling every week to keep the bills paid and hope your kids do better than you did. A recent video blog from Dean motivated me to realize that I'm not just doing this for me but many others. As of today 11/14/2011 my motivation is going to turned up a notch. I am motivated to improve the lives of my Wife and Family, Friends and Community, State, Country and World. I find my strength from my wife and family. God is not a question but a fact in all tings that I do. You will not find me quoting the bible but I am always aware of his presence.

Motorcycle rides with my wife. Quality time with my children. Politics and world events.

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #160 - You…A Conqueror? dgadmin8712 years 47 weeks ago
My first bid on a property J.T.013 years 1 week ago

Basic Info

At this time I am semi retired.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Motvation and guidance

J.T.'s picture

Been in this for less than two months. tried to understand where I go next. Came up with a name and a business phone number (thanks Craig). But seem to be at a loss on where to go next. Was ill for two weeks and at the same time over whelmed by family responsibilities. Any ad vise on how to begin. I'm going through the modules and learning what I can but seem to be at a loss on how to achieve the goals at the end of the lessons. Dean I,m watching yours weekly video blogs and find wisdom and motivation in them. But still lost on direction.

Deans inspirational letter

J.T.'s picture

Wow.....My wife is discouraged. I can't get a firm footing on my program. Just today I told my wife that I would continue this adventure alone. I was hoping to read something exciting as Dean had promised. And I was not disappointed. Thank you Dean. Your Blitz newsletter was inspiring. After reading it, I was asked by my computer what name to give it as I saved. I chose 'My Inspiration." I could of called it "the wind beneath my wings." but that will have to wait. P.U.S.H. will become the new poster in my office. The shoulders I will chose to climb onto will be Deans. As I intend to use him for more motivation in the future. The timing couldn't be more fortuitous. I look forward to see what else You have in-store for me.

Thanks Dean....... J.T.