I live in Cleveland Ohio
1- The curent unemployment rate is 8.8%
and 8.1% 12 months ago
2- The average 3 bedroom house price is $70,000 dollars
3- The average rent is $750.00 dollars
4- The average taxes varies every house is diferent
5- Also how long they are in the market changes depending on the avelavility of buyers and other matters that I know your are very familiar to
Thank you looking forwar to here from you Sincerely Jose Perez
Jose Perez
I live in Cleveland Ohio
1- The curent unemployment rate is 8.8%
and 8.1% 12 months ago
2- The average 3 bedroom house price is $70,000 dollars
3- The average rent is $750.00 dollars
4- The average taxes varies every house is diferent
5- Also how long they are in the market changes depending on the avelavility of buyers and other matters that I know your are very familiar to
Thank you looking forwar to here from you Sincerely Jose Perez