This is going to be my best year ever. 011 is not only my year to shine but is for all of us. Life gives up it's best moments for us and when we continually ignore her eventually she goes away. Well, I'm not ignoring her anymore. I will not only gladly accept her offerings of happiness in surprisingly disquised opportunities; but I promise to get up off of my "assets" and give it my all. So my hats off to you Dean and your great group of followers. Count me in as my brain is primed and my ego is subdued and my physical being is ready to rock this town. <3
Glad to be here
This is going to be my best year ever. 011 is not only my year to shine but is for all of us. Life gives up it's best moments for us and when we continually ignore her eventually she goes away. Well, I'm not ignoring her anymore. I will not only gladly accept her offerings of happiness in surprisingly disquised opportunities; but I promise to get up off of my "assets" and give it my all. So my hats off to you Dean and your great group of followers. Count me in as my brain is primed and my ego is subdued and my physical being is ready to rock this town. <3