Hi all, I'm a DG member and student, joined a couple years ago, I like to play around with and build computers, I'm a former auto-truck-mech,
I joined up with DG to learn how to do real estate, wholesaling, and also
to do private mortgage notes, commercial mortgage notes, bank notes directly
with bank asset managers, I now have a nationwide buyers list, for various properties, of which the seller can get top dollar to sell their house, I have access to various residential and commercial financing,
I'm on facebook, linkedin, twitter, and on the real estate finance website
if any one is interersted in working with me, or networking with me
send me a PM, and we can discuss it, there is just a boat load of free information out there, I'll share all that, and how I found it all
have a great day
Welcone to the DG Family
Welcone to the DG Family