
All About mherbert

Mark Herbert

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157811 years 20 weeks ago

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No info provided.

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Mainly Just This One


Our thoughts and many

Our thoughts and many prayers go out to all on east coast in this troubled time.

Area Investment Manager

Growth and expansion is expected to explode in two areas listed below, Dean and Matt. A recent news cast said significant population growth will happen in these areas! I'm excited to start my business there!

1)Kennewick, Wa
2)Unemployment rate is 7.3 - 12 mos. ago it was 8.3.
3)Average value of a 3-2 house is $103k
4)Average rent for a 3-2 house is $1065
5)Tax for an average 3-2 house is $948
6)DOM is 144

1)Yakima, Wa
2)Unemployment rate is 7.2 - 12 mos. ago it was 7.8.
3)Average value of a 3-2 house is $131k
4)Average rent for a 3-2 house is $1250
5)Tax for an average 3-2 house is $1188
6)DOM is 110