You are there! This web page has all the info you need! Go to Real Estate Forum click on Tax Sales. Read it all and then ask any question that you need answering!But all you have to do is pick a state then a county then call the tax assessors office for list or where to getit from.What state are you in?Welcome to the Dean Family! Get ready for a life changing with real estate!If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!We are all here to help each other! Good Luck!
hey Chu Yang
You are there! This web page has all the info you need! Go to Real Estate Forum click on Tax Sales. Read it all and then ask any question that you need answering!But all you have to do is pick a state then a county then call the tax assessors office for list or where to getit from.What state are you in?Welcome to the Dean Family! Get ready for a life changing with real estate!If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!We are all here to help each other! Good Luck!