Came back to town to be with family through the sorrow of our loss and help get my nefew get all ready for summer special olympics he has not done that before trying to see what he is interested in what he wants and permited by brother and wife God Bless its a wonderful thing to be involved in unforgetable memories. Work 17 yrs CNA in hospitals,assisted living homes ran a few to help 4-5 clients,er intake so much fun things Summer local 341 flagger nice to get a tan and great pay my mental breal 17 summers.Going to gym with my brother Tom he is such a great inspiration i am so grateful to be here and ready for new journeys and fun!!!oh yeah ,firefighter and rescure tech was a great fun and three years awesome family people. Lots of fun fun fun interesting community mat su valley
Hi .
Hi Rose welcome to the DG site, lots of info and great people to help you along your RE journey, Mike..