1. Columbia 2. Current unemployment 6.6 % and was 7.6% Nov.2011. 3. Average numbers for 3 bedroom 1.5 bath homes.Cost $270,000-450,000.00 4. Rent $1700.00-2,500.00 5. Taxes: 3,500 – 4,500.00 6. 4 months
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My home sesourch
1. Columbia
2. Current unemployment 6.6 % and was 7.6% Nov.2011.
3. Average numbers for 3 bedroom 1.5 bath homes.Cost $270,000-450,000.00
4. Rent $1700.00-2,500.00
5. Taxes: 3,500 – 4,500.00
6. 4 months