Rocky L. Jones

All About Rocky L. Jones

Rocky L. Jones
Austin, Texas - Success Academy, Insider, Inner Circle
About Me: 

I am a product of many industries and corporations along with being a small business owner since I was 16 years old. Began a new move into REI in May 2012 to increase my net worth and build my family's retirement. Since becoming a member of the DG family, I have collected a few rental properties and have turned several using various strategies taught by Dean. There have been a few challenges along the way, as there always will be, but persistance always pays off!

So remember this, at the end of the day, anything you profit is better than zero!

That one is free from me to you!!

May God richly bless you and your efforts to help others, and He always will when you focus on helping other people!!

Blessings friends,

Rocky L. Jones

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157811 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor, Mentor, Life Coach, and Business Development Exec - Zoom for Texas, LLC
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
