
All About sandbag459

sandy baggett

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #37 - What's Your Idea? dgadmin6114 years 47 weeks ago

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Dean gave me back my life

What a great opportunity. Good luck to everyone! I hope I win but as part of the dg family I am glad that we all have a shot at it.
dean you have changed my life. I have lupus,copd,instruments in my back,fibro,and the list goes on. I was a very active person before and like alot of us had a hard life. I came so far and then got sick. I had got to the point that I spent most days in bed and only left the house to go the the dr. or should I say DOCTORS. Then my husband who was watching me fad away
kept trying to get me into all these different things on tv. final we both seen you on tv a few times, we both felt the same way about you. there was something differant about you and what you were saying. so we signed up. we met with Matt ,what a guy! who also taught me how to handle a stress. stress can kill me.He made it simple fun. We learned so much.with in 4 mo. after being a dg family member we made 4 deals.
our coach is great. we now own 2 houses, rent them out and put in another offer this week. Thank you dean for giving me back my life.


ok,I do have an idea but,I would like to say that you didn't get our attention because your infom. was blah. Some say if "it works don't change it." But it has been the same for a while so lets spice it up ! keep some of the good stuff cuz lets face it worked.
my idea:
go up in a HOT AIR BALLON ,, be low enough to see all the houses,and while this is going on have a bright banner on the bottom of the screen talking about what is going on in this country and how we can change things ect. While your in this ballon you talk about all the houses below you, and what a gold mine that is there. Then tell them while you land ,you want them to watch some testimonials ect.After you land you should stay in front of the hot air ballon(it is a good back ground) when you continue on about seccess stories,technigue,you need not forget your honest portrayal of your self.and, keep that banner running on the bottom of the screen. But remember what worked for you before was great so don't cut to much out.

Thats my idea,have a great day everyone

Low Offer accepted

I made an offer that nobody wanted me to, they sd it was to low I sd oh well!! I put the offer in and got it!! signed contract, closing sept. 2.
thanks, dean , matt and my coach drew. this is deal #5
