What Is Your Crazy or Sane Suggestion?
In this week's video blog, Dean addresses his "driving while videotaping" experience, and seeks your suggestions for other options.
Also, last week we started asking you to post questions for Dean and in this video he answers some of the questions students posted last week.
So, watch the video and give us your feedback, comments and questions. As always, we want to know what we can do to make things better for you.
Thanks for taking the time to share another weekly video blog with all of us. We look forward to sharing some creative ideas with you for future infommercials to attract new people to stop the channel and watch the program. Thanks for answering some of the prior week's questions and sharing some insight and information with us. Keep thinking creatively, seeing the big picture and sharing your insight with all of us. Continued success on all your deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Thanks dean
Thanks again for putting up another video.I got a idea lots of people like free stuff you can give something good.Example,gascard,stores card,movies card,or other usefull items.Just a though thanks for everything.
Plan View
Hey Dean,
You, or a DG look-a-like should "parachute-in" to your next property, filming the property on the fly...as in "hit the ground running". That should grab the attention of the viewer!!!
Great success,
Dean's TV infomercial
Hey Dean,
I've got an idea. Why not film yourself driving to a property that you are going to make a deal on. You could prep everyone for what is about to happen while driving. Then people get to watch you actually negotiating a deal for real. The show could end with you driving from the property to your home or office and while driving you could explain what just happened.
Great Blog
Hey Dean,
Another great blog. My Idea is similar to others. But why dont you show a deal from start to finish exactly how you do it with no money down. I beleive people would stop and listen and really feel that it works. Just a suggestion. Good Luck
Section 8 Housing
I thought about the gov't helping me, why not go section 8. If I get some rental properties and put section 8 people in there or maybe use a lease option to gain rental properties I think it will be a win win situation for all involved and at the same time have the gov't work for me.
Bob Ross
My suggestion do a reality like show. "A week in the life of Dean Graziosi." Simply do what you do, from waking up in the morning kissing the little ones before you go off to the office. Middle of the day film the step by step process of your deals, bleep out yourself saying bad words on deals that might fall apart. Come home to sleep( or maybe look for more deals.) focus mainly on what goes on and the how to get the deals done. A week of your life in 1 hour I don't know if its possible but it's just a suggestion.
How about..........
How's this sound film yourself doing a deal unscripted,unrehearsed more of like a role play type with a partner showing new comers like myself how to do deals and become more motivated in becoming a Real Estate Investor.
Dear Dean,
I like you just the way you are!Don't get me wrong there is always room for improvement. At least keep an open mind to it. People are in need of seeing a world that is in a healing curve. We need to see that there is hope beyond the troubles in the world. Your compassion and sincerity is what appealed to me above the rest. This is what pulled me off of my couch. Where I spent many nights crying out to God for help! In one moment of hearing you speak from your heart. My life has changed. I have hope, clarification for the first time in years. I have a New Attitude about my future. People are looking for these qualities. Testimonies! We are facing many challenges on different levels. Seeing your commitment and dedication to do good for all. I think by continuing showing more testimonies and showing more homes that don't have curb appeal and then showing the outcome of your technique. How the end results helped all parties involved. Giving hope to a problem that seemed like a dead end for some. Continue to show that no matter who you are or what you have, doesn't mean that this opportunity can't work for all. Also showing more about your charity work will show that much more of who you are. A giving and truthful man. Sincerity Dean is all that matters. But I wouldn't give up the keys to my strategy for less than the $29.95.(oh boy, now only $19.95,Ha! low enough). You made the effort in life to step out on faith and you deserve the results from this change you made. Your competition can't touch the gift that you are sharing with the world for this small price for this life changing event. It's a few months down the road for me since I joined and it still feels like Christmas! The magic is still there!! Pinch me! I'm going to own a home soon for the first time in my life! Dean I can't say it enough. It took alot to pull me back from the deep depression I was in. No pill, no doctor, nobody seemed to help. But I will never believe anything other than, that God's direction was nothing but truth. I believe Him. And He said go this way, here's someone who has a step by step plan! The results will continue to be just as they are, Amazing! Always continued success.........Lubertha aka/ MyDestiny/ Supergirl
Follow up to Bill's suggestion........
Hi Dean,
I agree with Bill's suggestion. It will surely catch everybody's eyes and stop flipping the channel if you could show the whole complete process of negotiating real estate deal especially with no money down in video. Like me who is just starting but motivated to become a Real Estate Investor but darn so afraid to take that first step to take action.
My suggestion
Dean these are my suggestions;
We enjoyed your moving video, however, we were concerned for your safety, only because we love you.
1. At the beginning of the infomercial, you should appeal to the audience relative to what is occurring in the United States today. Let them know that you feel their pain, but they do not have to remain in their present state. There is another way out, real estate investing.
2. Be yourself, i.e. be genuine, sincere and honest. Remembering that you in the past faced some of these same challenges. Viewers will empathize and choose to act.
3. Change your infomercial intermittently.
4. Have several success stories from various walks of life.
5. Show your benevolence towards people in need.
6. Give examples of properties you purchased in it's initial stage and the final outcome after renovations. Show properties selling for pennies on the dollar.
7. Let people know that this is not a get rich quick scheme.
8. Be persuasive in concluding by encouraging the viewer to purchase your books maybe at times offering fee shipping.
9. Be different from the masses.
For me,I was attracted to the your characteristics as an individual, portrayal of the product and the genuine interest that this could work for me. Thanks for all your support, encouragement, information, access to knowledge unlike any other (DG Website). God Bless.
Take the newspaper and...
Go to an average market and pick up that morning's newspaper and circle some of the properties you see that look promising as well as anything you may find online, such as on Craigslist. From there show what you would do that day, just that one day and see how far you can take it in 8 hours, doing that for at least one property (or more) found on that day.
Now if you do it dressed as your favorite superhero, all the better!
a suggestion to Dean's weekly video blog
Hi Dean,
You should choose one of your first time students and walk him or her through a deal while you coach from start to finish. This will help you better understand what your students are facing when they are in the process of making a deal and it will make people stop and think instead of just flip through the channels.
I volunteer myself for this assignment
I agree........
I agree with Maulik but as you walk them through the deal videotape it and post it for other new comers like myself can get inspired from it!
As most have said....
Hi...My is Donna Palmer. FYI, I am to sign with sellers my first assignment this Weds. (thanks to you) I'm very excited, now that I've been laid off due to "right sizing" because as Elena recently said, "Maybe being laid off was a blessing to push me into REI." She was right.
OK to the point at hand. Two ideas. 1)I think you should do what many others have suggested as far as showing "A Day In the Life Of Dean Graziosi". Just a whole day of what you normally would do unrehearsed, being your wonderfully natural self conducting your business. Whether that's working on several of your deals you've got going on or just concentrating on one. 2) Do a whole "deal" whether it be an assign, REO, foreclosure...whatever, just cover the whole process step by step. We know this will take more than one day. So have your guys "cut" and "take" as needed. Put all clips together for one show.
Your best P/R are your current students and word of mouth. Help us to understand by "seeing" and we can help other prospects understand and "sell" you to them. Maybe even some type of referral rewards program??? An Idea....
Thanks from a future successful REI student.
Donna Palmer
Hi Dean
My suggestion is that you should actually show the people how to do one of your startegies on tv. How show how effected it is. Show the method you use on how you purchase the property and find the property and also profit you got from the property.Because everyone nowadays they want information for free.So I think that would be a pretty good thing to do.
ADD's love visuals
Okay Dean.
Your right! We are a generation of A.D.D. And the only thing we Add’s can stand still long enough for is lots of visuals.
Here’s my idea. Using your library of media (I especially love when you walk us through a rehab home) use before and afters on your rehabs. While you narrate the whole deal via studio mike or standing on a property videoing you telling about the deal. Either or both. Always tieing your book or product back into the pictures or video. Referring to chapters some of these deals just like that happen. Use some of that beginning footage of you on the beginning of the “Edge” program. That was awesome. I was putty in your hands after that.
Walk through a home your working and maybe talk about a chapter that deals with what they are seeing. Kind of almost a Bob Villa of REI. Did that make any sense? Who says you can’t make your “show” more of a movie. You know? Show us the homes, the deals that are out there. Walk us through them or narrate. The sky’s the limit right? Visuals.. You could drive and talk too.
On the stuff you want to get a little more serious about use that dark studio with a shirttail casual.
Thanks Dean, I’m new at this and I’m absorbing everything like a sponge. Wow. Is the best I can come up with the DG and family. And many thanks. I hope to be posting my deals too in the forums.
Sorry, Barb belongs at the bottom of that long post. Not in the middle$#%
ADD's love visuals
I should of edited my post better. Uhhh. scratch that part about "Who says you can’t make your show more of a movie." I meant your show more of a reality show". For some reason I typed movie.
i also think if you show more success stories, then the viewer can find someone they relate to. then they will feel like they can do it. i think a good mixture of ages is important.
Hi Dean!
A deal is not always a deal since there are always some variations such as a VA or HUD home, a Pre-Foreclosure, Foreclosure, Real Estate by Broker, or Owner. Then you add in the human factor and your variations skyrocket, so fear becomes the overriding factor to action. I think success stories would really help as would meeting some newbies on a step-by-step start to finish to illustrate to an audience that the system does work in today's time and market. Your ability to convey a sincere and honest message to the masses with a great personality and character is phenomenal and I appreciate all the effort you direct towards your students, me included. Thank you Dean.
P.S. We are in a sense reporters digging up background on real estate so our sources are important, I'm going to ask the hot dog vendor down by the courthouse, a dog and a deal all wrapped up in one!
Bill G
Thanks for another great weekly blog! I had not thought of your infomercial in that light, that is excellent creative thinking.
At this day in age we have information overload with increasingly shorter time periods for brain absorption. This leads to an over-all extremely short attention span.
I have 2 ideas I would like to share which may lead viewers to stop on your program. I hope they are not too "cookie cutter" as they are not necessarily original.
1. Have you thought about possibly being interviewed rather then just speaking to the camera? Specifically interviewed by a pretty girl? (Not to be sexist as your fantastic looks already cover the female viewers
Now I don't necessarily mean a model as you see in other "guru" infomercials. You could use a pretty face from your staff, like Megan. I don't mean scantily clad, dressed professionaly, but a pretty face can attract considerable attention.
(This idea could possibly work with any celebrity friends of yours or maybe an extremely successful student, such as Matt Larson. You could interview him as well, maybe show some deals the 2 of you have worked on together or deals which he has done himself.)
2. Add a bright, blinking, "warning-like" sign. Maybe with a siren-like sound effect. Basically warning viewers not to miss out on an opportunity to get into REI while the market is low. Warn them that this could be the biggest opportunity of their life and that the market may never drop this low again.
You could possibly throw this screen in at regular intervals, like every minute and 1/2. I am unsure as to the average length of attention span but I am sure you have some marketing experts who could tell you how frequently to flash this screen.
I hope these ideas can be of some use, if not, hey your the expert.
Thank you for the opportunities you provide, Dean. The fact that you have given us the means to become successful while helping others, speaks volumes. Through your honesty and integrity, you have started a wave of "good business" which I honestly believe will have a "ripple effect" touching more lives then even you ever imagined.
For this I, and many others, deeply appreciate you and your staff. Thank you Dean!
-Mike Hutchins
Dean & DG Fam,
I would like to mention that I agree with some ideas here, there are some great ones. (Parachuting in to "hit the ground running" is a fantastic idea!)
The reason my ideas are geared towards where they are rather then what you should do over-all as an entire infomercial, is that you have a genuine, honest portrayal already. Your programs speak for themselves and are very inspiring.
I wanted to throw suggestions that would make the viewer stop on your program while channel surfing, versus proposed changes which will make the viewer more likely to purchase your program. I believe your program sells itself already and your infomercials are excellent.
What you are requesting is strategies which will drive more viewers to your program rather then more program-viewers to purchase your product, correct?
I hope I do not come across as criticizing others ideas, this is absolutely not my intentions. I simply wanted to change the subject path as it seems most are gearing responses toward a new infomercial as a whole.
Keep the ideas coming DG Fam!
-Mike Hutchins
One more thing...
Now if you do it dressed as your favorite superhero, all the better!
If you did something like this, or a variation of it as has been posted here, whatever the "rest of the story" is after the "8 hour" work day results are you would direct people to the DG website to see a video of how it all turned out, the final results. A call to action to the viewers taking them back here where they can view all of the great posts and activity, etc.
You and your students.
Dean, your infomercials grab at people's hearts, along with their financial needs. I agree with the others that said what caught their attention was your sincerity. Never lose that. That is what initially sells YOU and the Dean Graziosi products. Of course, once they are in people's hands, they see the true impact of what they actually have!
One thing I have always wished was to see you personally standing at a property with one of your successful students, like Matt, or Chip and Andrea, talking together about what your program did for them (or one of the deals you are doing together). Please keep showing us YOUR deals, as they are so amazing and plentiful! But in my mind, it would really connect the everyday person to you if you were WITH one of them, even more so than just the home videos sent in by the students, (which are already awesome in themselves of course!). Just my thoughts..
I love some of the "out there" stuff mentioned above, too. I can just picture you showing up by parachute or by yacht or something. lol.
Here is the ultimate suggestion that you can use I hope. I been in Radio & TV broadcasting for over ten years, anything to do with entertainment I been involved with, maybe almost everything
Here's my opinion & experience in broadcasting, so you know & you hear it all the time that what you give us is always the best news that we can take in & apply it to our lives. When you deliver your messages on video is like watching a news program because your sitting with a desk, mic & background that looks like what a news program would use on their set. If you can change the background to something that's more eye catching perhaps that will grab someone's attention, even thou what you say does grab somebody's attention like it did for my & others on here. So what I mean is for it not to look like other non commercial programs create a virtual reality type of background or set. Like you mention in your book "Profit From Real Estate Right Now!" you encourage us not to watch the news all the time because of the bad news they always deliver. The deference between you & them is you always deliver the good news and that is a plus all by it self, I'm sure everyone here can agree to that. Another thing everyone can agree upon is entertainment & games are up there so create a game show that's never been seen before, that would educate the viewer & also put them to the test on trying out your techniques on a weekly basis. Hey this could even be a deal or no deal type of game show, you can title it "Grabbing Good Deals Right Now" or "Time For Winning A Deal" creating segments in different parts of the U.S. representing each coastal area. Here's an example: Real Estate is about making money for security & enjoying life more. Other categories that fit with RE, like home improvement when your rehabbing a property, having the supply & demand at hand, showing how to buy the supplies at a hardware store & even finding & getting contractors to do the job on the property, etc. Just something to think about & hopefully it helps in thinking out side the box. I hope my idea will be put to use & I can be a part of it at the same time. Keep teaching us the best, you're the man, Dean!!!!
Look at the response you've generated--amazing. Dare I say a platform for a television show like @Dean mentioned above?
I think the biggest thing you offer is hope and that's what our country needs right now. I like the idea of you interacting with others--watching The Edge, I think that's where you're energy is best. You do a great job at speaking to "us" the viewer while looking into the camera, but you're energy is just different when speaking with someone like say Matt Larson. I can tell that you truly take pleasure from his success and the success of your other students and that helps bring your integrity across and increases trust.
If that doesn't work, you can always have a buxom woman in a red bathing suit bouncing on a trampoline behind you while you deliver your message. No lie, I once saw a highly trafficked news videocast take this approach. Of course, we women will throw tomatoes at you, so be careful--choose wisely, Dean.
One last note: What about having a contest where one of us can enter to be that person you walk through a deal with on your next video/infomercial? I'd love to be that person, by the way.
All & ONLY the Best to You DG Family,
From www.dgbeck.com
Dean! This is Darren and Ginni Beck (mother and son team). We love your guidance! Just keep doing what you are doing! Based on your inspiration we started a family real estate investing company , DG Beck. We joined your Success Academy and are in the process of building our buyers' list (sellers, buyers, and investors can join with us on our website). Our goal, as you have said is to buy & sell our properties at 30-50% off fair market value. Those who join our buyers' list on our website will receive weekly email alerts of our hot properties, many before they they the MLS. Our territory is South Florida, Miami, Broward and Dade counties. Check out www.dgbeck.com and join our buyers' list!
Weekly Video Blog
This is my first post. Another great video this week. I actually do not have a suggestion for you on your question. Others have had some pretty neat ideas here and I'd pick a few of those.
I am from the Detroit area and you mentioned Detroit this week specifically so I had to jump in here and ask what you opinion is of Michigan and the Detroit area. Your comment kind of concerned me. Most anyone you talk to from this area is negative and I'd like to hear more of what you think the Detroit area has to offer. If you were speaking of the city itself I would Agree that it is in huge decline. Where the bottom is no one knows!!
Thanks Eric
Anyone else that would like to chime in please feel free. By the way that is just juice in my hand in the pic... lol