sharon hughes

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sharon hughes

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I have many questions, but I am unsure where to go to ask them all. They are all different. For example: how do you pull equity out of a home to use for remodeling without waiting 30+ days? How did Matt get a lender to let him buy more than 1 house at a time w/o paying back original loan (buy and hold)? How do I get info on what's owed on house to be sold? How long been on lists? I understand seller pays re agent fee, but who pays for title co? If seller pays for re agent, then they are really selling house for even less than what's agreed upon? Etc, I could go on and on but I don't even know if I am on right website or that I'll ever get answers. I have contacted consultants many times (they are extremely nice and very helpful) but I get even more confused (sometimes). I am very enthusiastic and motivated but I need to know how to get $ so that I can do remodeling (I have no-one to turn to for help)? Thank you Sharon