
All About TPence

Dayton, OH
Fishing, bowling, biking, tennis, music (listen too/ play).

Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago
anybody else getting "blasted" for making low offers marc1815 years 44 weeks ago

Basic Info

General Labor, Was Elec. Eng. Tech. for 17 yrs.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Blogs, Plus

Many times I come to website and listen to blogs; do q/a issues; take notes; check for training events/ advice, but do so without logging in. Is this the wrong approach? I ask this because after logging in with new password, it appears as tho I have not spent much time trying to learn/ do this when I have. It appears as tho there is some kind of activity record being kept. I even went to a seminar here in my area when you were here. My big issue is money and apparently my location. Seminar personnel noted only one, maybe two here in a year vs. many more in other parts of the country.

Also, I've received phone calls, occasionally from 927/ 928 area codes; get a blank voice mail ... nothing said. Might that be someone there? Arizona area code. You are the only ones I know out there.

I appreciate your help and encouragement. I just wish I could afford the academy or find some kind of break thru.

Take care and thanks again.