Happy New Year everybody.
A lot to tell with not a lot of time so...
Here's the short version:
My local house under contract will probably be a bust. I haven't heard from some of my buyers list but the heavy hitters have all declined.
The Denver house deal MM wrote about is falling apart as I write. Apparently there is some zoning issues and tenant issues that might kill this deal. I do have another buyer but don't have a great vibe about this one anymore.
Still waiting on an answer to house #s 2 & 3 to MM.
Started mapping out where to look for vacation homes for MM locally and will be going there personally next week to check the areas out.
Listened to 2 webinars the past few days and read more threads and posted to a few.
Need to spend time closing out the books on my lure business then starting the whole race again. (I hate doing inventory!) I was hoping that the money from the Denver deals would carry me through the next bills period but if that doesn't happen, it's back to the salt mines.
So that's about it for now. Will keep you all posted as to my progress.
Till next time...
Felis Natividad
Keep moving foward as I to will,
they say,don't count your money
on the table, they'll be time enough
to count them when the dealings done!
Counting money
Thankfully, I was only spending this money in my head.
I've known too long that you can't count the money until after you close. Anything before that is foolish because issues come up AT the closing table too.
Thanks for posting..